Papers are listed in descendant chronological order.
Contributions to daily or weekly press, school texts, occasional texts and similar are not included

358 M. Rogante, Applicazioni Industriali delle Tecniche Neutroniche - Settore Difesa, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 10 (2024), pp. 209-214. In Italian.

357 A. Zavdoveev, D. Vedel, A. Klapatyuk, M. Rogante, T. Baudin, A. Gaivoronskiy, A. Severin, R. Kozin, M. Skoryk, V. Bevz, Wire arc additive manufacturing of the high entropy alloy: structure, properties, Proc. 13th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2024, Split, Croatia, 19-20/09/2024, N. Čatipović, J. Krolo, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2024), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 421-432.

356 M. Rogante, V. Travagli, G. Tricarico, Structural materials in Human cells: a battlefield for wellness and environment, Proc. 13th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2024, Split, Croatia, 19-20/09/2024, N. Čatipović, J. Krolo, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2024), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 357-361.

355 O. Kushnarova, O. Berdnikova, T. Alekseenko, E. Polovetskiy, Y. Titkov, M. Rogante, V. Pozniakov, A. Gaivoronskii, A. Zavdoveev, Features of the metal welded joints structure in special purpose steel under high-frequency mechanical peening, Proc. 13th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2024, Split, Croatia, 19-20/09/2024, N. Čatipović, J. Krolo, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2024), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 245-250.

354 O. Kushnarova, O. Berdnikova, T. Alekseenko, E. Polovetskiy, V. Pozniakov, A. Gaivoronskii, A. Zavdoveev, M. Rogante, Structure features and their effect on the physical and mechanical properties of special steel welded joints, Proc. 13th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2024, Split, Croatia, 19-20/09/2024, N. Čatipović, J. Krolo, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2024), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 235-243.

353 F. Fiori, M. Rogante, Production of biomaterials from the recycling of urban organic waste, Proc. 13th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2024, Split, Croatia, 19-20/09/2024, N. Čatipović, J. Krolo, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2024), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 111-119.

352 G. Battistini, G. Ficoneri Bolasco, F. Fiori, G. Giampaoli, F. Martino, B. Pellei, M. Rogante, L’impianto biodigestore per il trattamento dei rifiuti urbani: caratteristiche e vantaggi d’impiego, INSIC – L’INformazione per la SICurezza (2024). In Italian.

351 M. Rogante, Processo e rimedi, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 5 (2024), pp. 113-118. In Italian.

350 G. Battistini, G. Ficoneri Bolasco, F. Fiori, G. Giampaoli, F. Martino, B. Pellei, M. Rogante, I biodigestori per il trattamento dei rifiuti organici offrono diversi vantaggi, Qualenergia, anno XXII n. 2 (2024), pp. 71-72. In Italian.

349 M. Rogante, C. Santelli, "Rogante" yöntemi: öğrenme sürecinin verimli organizasyonu için yeni basit bir yöntem, Cihannüma Sosyal Bilimler Akademi Dergisi, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 51–68. In Turkish.

348 F. Fiori, P. Mengucci, A. Di Cristoforo, S. Sabbatini, M. Rogante, Applicazione di metodologie fisico-chimiche all'analisi di statuette ceramiche appartenenti alla collezione Teloni dell'Academia Georgica Treiensis, in: Indagini con tecniche neutroniche e radiologiche su reperti della collezione archeologica dell'Accademia Georgica di Treia: passato e presente di una ricerca, Casa Editrice Accademia Georgica, Treia (2023), ISBN 9788894777406, pp. 139-158.

347 M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Caratterizzazione avanzata mediante tecniche neutroniche di reperti archeologici dell'Academia Georgica Treiensis, in: Indagini con tecniche neutroniche e radiologiche su reperti della collezione archeologica dell'Accademia Georgica di Treia: passato e presente di una ricerca, Casa Editrice Accademia Georgica, Treia (2023), ISBN 9788894777406, pp. 87-137.

346 G. Battistini, G. Ficoneri Bolasco, F. Fiori, G. Giampaoli, F. Martino, B. Pellei, M. Rogante, Biodigestori: la soluzione giusta per ridurre i rifiuti e produrre energia rinnovabile, La Nuova Ecologia (2024); WoW - Win on Waste, Istituti CNR, Area della Ricerca di Pisa, pagina web (2024); Greenreport, pagina web (2024). In Italian.

345 M. Rogante, Applicazioni Industriali delle Tecniche Neutroniche, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 3 (2024), pp. 141-147. In Italian.

344 M. Rogante, C. Santelli, Il metodo "Rogante": nuovo semplice metodo per un'efficiente organizzazione del processo d'apprendimento, Casa Editrice Accademia Georgica, Treia, ISBN 978-88-947774-1-3 (2024), p. 24. In Italian.

343 Роганте Массімо, Сантеллі Клаудіо, Завдовєєв Анатолій Вікторович, Метод «РОГАНТЕ»: новий простий метод для ефективної організації, Вісник Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка, Педагогічні Науки, Випуск 3/53 (2023), pp. 265-274. УДК 37.013, 371.3, 159.9. In Ukrainian.

342 A. Zavdoveev, A. Klapatyuk, O. Karasevska, T. Baudin, M. Rogante, V. Pozniakov, A. Gaivoronskii, X-ray analysis of the microstructure of the wire arc additively manufactured high entropy alloy, Proc. 12th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2023, Split, Croatia, 21-22/09/2023, N. Gjeldum, N. Čatipović, M. Mladineo, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2023), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 329-334.

341 M. Rogante, Gy. Lakatos, D.E. Lucchetta, I. Nastovski, Feasibility study for the advanced characterization of musical string wires, Proc. 12th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2023, Split, Croatia, 21-22/09/2023, N. Gjeldum, N. Čatipović, M. Mladineo, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2023), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 269-279.

340 P. Novotný, J. Rulc, R. Divín, A. Pashchenko, J. Varga, M. Rogante, L.Varvařovská, R. Siroka, T. Jarosikova, E. Amler, Contactless collection of impurities on ultrasensitive nanofiber membrane, Proc. 12th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2023, Split, Croatia, 21-22/09/2023, N. Gjeldum, N. Čatipović, M. Mladineo, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2023), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 229-235.

339 S. Motrunich, A. Milenin, V. Knysh, I. Klochkov, M. Rogante, A. Zavdoveev, Fracture resistance under static, dynamic and cyclic loading of welded joints of AA2219 alloy obtained by TIG, Proc. 12th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2023, Split, Croatia, 21-22/09/2023, N. Gjeldum, N. Čatipović, M. Mladineo, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2023), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 209-215.

338 N. Čatipović, M. Rogante, H. Avdušinović, K. Grgić, Influence of a Novel Double Tempering Process on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cu-Alloyed Austempered Ductile Iron with Possible Nano (Micro)-Characterization using Neutron Beam Techniques, Crystal 13/9 (2023), 1359.

337 M. Rogante, P. Mikula, A. Zavdoveev, Neutron diffraction to assess residual stress in steel wires with accumulated shear deformation, Book of Abstracts 25th International Conference-School "Advanced Materials and Technologies", Palanga, Lithuania, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas (2023), p. 28. doi 10.5755/e01.2669-1930.2023.

336 M. Rogante, Infragilimento da idrogeno, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 7/8 (2023), pp. 111-117. In Italian.

335 A.S. Hermosilla, M. Rogante, Sábana Santa: la imagen del dolor extremo sufrido por nuestra redención, CESAN - Centro Espańol de Sindonología, Delegación de Andalucía, Sevilla (2023). 1st part, 2nd part, 3rd part, 4th part. In Spanish, English and Italian.

334 M. Rogante, C. Santelli, Η Μεθοδοσ “Rogante”: νεα απλη μεθοδοσ για μια αποτελεσματικη οργανωση τησ εκμαθησησ, Ελληνικού Ινστιτούτου Πολιτιστικής Διπλωματίας, Αθήνα (2023). The "Rogante" Method: a new simple method for an effective organization of learning, Cultural Diplomacy Journal, Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy, Athens (2023). In Greek. Press article.

333 M. Rogante, V. Pozniakov, A. Gajvoronskiy, A. Zavdoveev, Acciai ad alta resistenza: strutture saldate da costruzione, TecnoLamiera, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 2 (2023), pp. 98-105. In Italian.

332 M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Zs. Kasztovszky, Z. Kis, L. Szentmiklósi, B. Maróti, V. Szilágyi, K. Bajnok, Applications of PGAA to investigate Cultural Heritage Items from the Marche Region, Italy, Book of Abstracts 3rd International Conference on Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry - RANC2023, Budapest, 7-12 May 2023, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest (2023), p. 325.

331 L. Touchagues, sur la base des travaux d'Alfonso Sanchéz Hermosilla et Massimo Rogante, L'expertise médico-légale des marques visibles sur le Linceul de Turin, Le Linceul de Turin, Cahiers Saint-Raphaël, Vol. 149 (2023), pp. 25-39. In French.

330 M. Rogante, C. Santelli, A new simple method for an efficient organization of the learning process, Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 30-40.

329 A. Zavdoveev, A. Klapatyuk, T. Baudin, E. MacDonald, D.G. Mohan, J.P. Oliveira, A. Gajvoronskiy, V. Poznyakov, H.S. Kim, F. Brisset, M. Khokhlov, M. Heaton, M. Rogante, M. Skoryk, D. Vedel, R. Kozin, I. Klockkov, S. Motrunich, Non-equimolar Cantor high entropy alloy fabrication using metal powder cored wire arc additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 6 (2023), 100124.

328 M. Rogante, Z. Kis, L. Szentmiklósi, Neutron imaging of double-row ball bearings made of 100Cr6 high carbon chromium steel for automotive application, International NR Newsletter No. 18 (2023), pp. 10-13.

327 M. Rogante, F. Rogante, Additive: i materiali metallici, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 2 (2023), pp. 111-118. In Italian.

326 A.S. Hermosilla, M. Rogante, L’image de la douleur extręme endurée pour notre rédemption - L’Homme du linceul: homme de douleurs, with a Presentation from F. Dal Cin, Revue Internationale du Linceul de Turin, Vol. 43 (2022), pp. 3-40. In French.

325 M. Rogante, Il ruolo dei materiali metallici utilizzati nei settori aeronautico e aerospaziale, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 1 (2023), pp. 91-97. In Italian.

324 M. Rogante, Materiali metallici per componenti del settore automotive, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 12 (2022), pp. 109-113. In Italian.

323 M. Rogante, La ricerca sui materiali metallici, TecnoLamiera, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 5 (2022), pp. 58-64. In Italian.

322 M. Rogante, Materiali metallici per il medicale, Percorsi Tecnologici, Allegato redazionale a Tecnologie Meccaniche N. 10 Ottobre 2022, DBInformation Editore, Milano (2022), pp. 15-19. In Italian.

321 M. Rogante, V. Poznyakov, A. Gayvoronski, A. Zavdoveev, The use of high strength steels in the manufacture of building welded structures, Proc. 11th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2022, Split, Croatia, 22-23/09/2022, S. Jozić, B. Lela, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2022), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 137-144.

320 S. Motrunich, I. Klochkov, V. Knysh, K. Gushin, M. Rogante, A. Zavdoveev, Fatigue behavior of flash butt welds of high-strength aluminum alloy with high zinc content, Proc. 11th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2022, Split, Croatia, 22-23/09/2022, S. Jozić, B. Lela, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2022), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 111-117.

319 A. Gayvoronski, A. Zavdoveev, A. Maksimenko, V. Poznyakov, M. Rogante, S. Jdanov, A. Denisenko, Effect of pulse arc welding parameters with low-alloy welding materials on weld formation and its geometric parameters, Proc. 11th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2022, Split, Croatia, 22-23/09/2022, S. Jozić, B. Lela, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2022), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 29-35.

318 M. Rogante, Materiali metallici per il medicale, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 9 (2022), pp. 191-197. In Italian.

317 A. Zavdoveev, P. Zok, V. Pozniakov, M. Rogante, T. Baudin, M. Heaton, A. Gaivoronskiy, S. Zhdanov, P. Acquier, T. Solomijchuk, V. Kostin, M. Skoryk, I. Klochkov, S. Motrunich, Effect of Pulse Current GMAW on the Yield Stress of the S460M TMCP Steel Welded Joints, Metals and Materials International (2022), p. 12.

316 M. Rogante, Materiali metallici per l'energy, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 7/8 (2022), pp. 129-134. In Italian.

315 M. Rogante, Analysis of biomedical materials and parts: advanced nano(micro)-characterization by neutron beam techniques, Materials Protection - Zaštita Materijala, Vol. 63, Issue 2 (2022), pp. 146-152.

314 M. Rogante, Lamiera: ampia applicazione, Percorsi Lamiera, Allegato redazionale a Tecnolamiera n.2/2022, DBInformation Editore, Milano (2022), pp. 15-20. In Italian.

313 M. Rogante, Lamiera materiale strategico, Tecnolamiera, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 2 (2022), pp. 110-116. In Italian.

312 M. Rogante, Rivestimenti a spruzzo termico, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 4 (2022), pp. 145-150. In Italian.

311 A.S. Hermosilla, M. Rogante, Sindone di Torino: l'immagine dell'estremo dolore sofferto per la nostra redenzione, Edizioni Santa Casa, Loreto, Italy (2022), p. 18. In Italian.

310 L. Giuliani, M. Rogante, P.M. Putti, R. Saggini, Campi elettromagnetici ed impatto ambientale: aspetti normativi, limiti di esposizione e principio di precauzione, Ambiente & Sicurezza sul Lavoro, EPC Editore, Vol. 2 (2022), pp. 61-69. In Italian.

309 I. M. Fijał-Kirejczyk, M. Rogante, J.J. Milczarek, J. Żołądek-Nowak, Z. Jurkowski, J. Żołądek, D. Rusinek, Studies on water transport in quasi two-dimensional porous systems using neutron radiography, Nukleonika, Vol. 67 no. 1 (2022), pp. 3-9.

308 M. Rogante, V.D. Poznyakov, A. Zavdoveev, Acciaio S460M: caratteristiche ed impieghi, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 2 (2022), pp. 145-149. In Italian.

307 M. Rogante, V.T. Lebedev, Neutron characterization of ageing and creep processes in materials and parts from decommissioning of nuclear facilities, Journal of Characterization, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (2022), pp. 22-35.

306 A. Zavdoveev, V. Pozniakov, T. Baudin, H.S. Kim, I. Klochkov, S. Motrunich, M. Heaton, P. Aquier, M. Rogante, A. Denisenko, A. Gajvoronskiy, M. Skoryk, Optimization of the pulsed arc welding parameters for wire arc additive manufacturing in austenitic steel applications, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022), p. 19.

305 M. Rogante, B. Kosec, Acciai blindati, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 144-151. In Italian.

304 M. Rogante, Neutron beam analysis of aging and creep processes in materials and parts from decommissioning of nuclear facilities, Proc. 1st International Symposium on Characterization (ISC'21), Ankara, Turkey, 08-09/10/2021, A. Evcin, I. Gunes, Eds. (2021), ISBN 978-625-00-9544-7, pp. 32-45.

303 M. Rogante, Advanced characterization by Neutron Beam Techniques in the medical and industrial fields, Book of Abstracts 13th International Conference STRUCTURAL MATERIALS 2021, A. Opálková Šišková, J. Jerz, Eds., Institute of Materials & Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia (2021), p. 13.

302 M. Rogante, V.T. Lebedev, L. Rogante, G. Brunello, F. Rustichelli, B. Zavan, SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses: innovative approaches of advanced characterization based on large machines of physics, Journal of Characterization, Vol. 1, Issue 3 (2021), pp. 137-147.

301 M. Rogante, Neutron beam analysis of aging and creep processes in materials and parts from decommissioning of nuclear facilities, Book of Abstracts 1st International Symposium on Characterization (ISC'21), Ankara, Turkey, 08-09/10/2021, A. Evcin, I. Gunes, Eds. (2021), p. 12.

300 S. Motrunich, A. Poklatsky, I. Klochkov, M. Rogante, A. Zavdoveev, Basic advantages of thin-sheet AA5056 alloy joints produced by friction stir welding, Proc. 10th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2021, Split, Croatia, 23-24/09/2021, S. Jozić, B. Lela, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2021), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 119-124.

299 A. Zavdoveev, M. Rogante, V. Poznyakov, M. Heaton, T. Baudin, A. Gayvoronski, Y. Demchenko, S. Zhdanov, Influence of pulse current arc welding modes on changing the parameters of the weld and HAZ of welded joints made by low alloyed materials, Proc. 10th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2021, Split, Croatia, 23-24/09/2021, S. Jozić, B. Lela, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2021), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 171-176.

298 M. Rogante, O. Gencel, E. Kam, T. Tuna, Investigation of the shielding ability of concrete samples reinforced with B4C and iron fillings against neutron radiation, Proc. 10th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2021, Split, Croatia, 23-24/09/2021, S. Jozić, B. Lela, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2021), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 129-132.

297 M. Rogante, F.G. Cesari, M. Giorgi, Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities: general considerations and suggestions not regarding activated parts, Proc. 10th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2021, Split, Croatia, 23-24/09/2021, S. Jozić, B. Lela, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2021), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 133-137.

296 M. Rogante, V.T. Lebedev, Yu. Kulvelis, A.Ya. Vul, V.S. Kozlov, K.A. Konoplev, The 20-Year Russian-Italian Scientific Collaboration in Industrial Applications of Neutrons and Prospects on High Flux Reactor “PIK” of Russian National Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, Neutron News, Vol. 32, Issue 3 (2021), pp. 9-15. Веб-страница Петербургского Института Ядерной Физики Университета Исследовательского Центра "Курчатовский Институт".

295 M. Rogante, A. Gatto, P. Mengucci, Nano-caratterizzazione multistadio di leghe metalliche, e-Health, Edisef, Ed., Roma, Vol. 81 (2021), pp. 52-57. In Italian.

294 M. Rogante, Acciai inossidabili e settore alimentare, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 7 (2021), pp. 129-135. In Italian.

293 A. Zavdoveev, V. Poznyakov, T. Baudin, M. Rogante, H.S. Kim, M. Heaton, Y. Demchenko, V. Zhukov, M. Skoryk, Effect of heat treatment on the mechanical properties and microstructure of HSLA steels processed by various technologies, Materials Today Communications, Vol. 28 (2021), 102598.

292 M. Rogante, Leggeri e resistenti con i materiali giusti, Applicazioni dei materiali metallici nel settore aeronautico, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 6 (2021), pp. 165-171. In Italian.

291 M. Rogante, Lamiera: strategica per l'automotive, Tecnolamiera, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 2 (2021), pp. 34-40. In Italian.

290 M. Rogante, Nucleare nel Mondo: l'Ungheria, serie Nucleare nel mondo, Associazione Italiana Nucleare (2021), p. 7. In Italian.

289 J.C. Chachques, L. Mazzini, D. Mitrecic, C. Hellmich, B. Zavan, M. Rogante, C. Latremouille, F. Rustichelli, Cardiovascular, hematological and neurosensory impact of COVID-19 and variants, European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, Vol. 25 (2021), pp. 3350-3364. DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202104_25747

288 M. Rogante, Micromeccanica della Frattura, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 3 (2021) , pp. 211-215. In Italian.

287 A. Zavdoveev, V. Poznyakov, T. Baudin, M. Heaton, H.S. Kim, P. Acquier, M. Skory, M. Rogante, A. Denisenko, Welding Thermal Cycle Impact on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Thermo–Mechanical Control Process Steels, Steel Research International, Vol. 92, Issue 6 (2021), 2000645.

286 A.V. Zavdoveev, V.D. Poznyakov, S.L. Zhdanov, M. Rogante, T. Baudin, Influence of pulsed-arc welding conditions on change of parameters of weld and HAZ of welded joints and mechanical properties of low-alloy steels - Bплив режимів імпульсно-дугового зварювання на зміну параметрів шва і зтв зварних з’єднань та механічні властивості низьколегованих сталей, Automatic Welding - Автоматичне Зварювання, Vol. 12 (2020), pp. 23-29; The Paton Welding Journal, Vol. 12 (2020), pp. 21-26.

285 M. Rogante, Inside welds: advanced characterization of residual stresses by neutron diffraction - Метал швів: удосконалення методу оцінки остаточних напружень за допомогою нейтронної дифракції, Automatic Welding - Автоматическая сварка, Vol. 11 (2020), pp. 20-26; The Paton Welding Journal, Vol. 11 (2020), pp. 18-24.

284 M. Rogante, Calcestruzzi cementizi polimerici: impiego e caratterizzazione avanzata, Plast, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 12 (2020), pp. 100-105. In Italian. Web page.

283 A. Zavdoveev, V. Poznyakov, H.S. Kim, M. Rogante, M. Heaton, T. Baudin, PCGMAW effect on the welding thermal cycle and weld metal geometry for high strength steels, International Journal of Engineering and Safety Sciences, ISSN 2657-3334, Vol. 1 (2020), pp. 5-16. HAL-03017251.

282 A. Zavdoveev, T. Baudin, M. Rogante, E. Pashinska, M. Skoryk, Shear impact during steel wire drawing on grain boundaries and mechanical properties, Letters on Materials, Vol. 10, Issue 4s (2020), pp. 558-565. HAL-03017259

281 P. Mikula, J. Šaroun, V. Ryukhtin, M. Rogante, On a possible high-resolution residual strain/stress measurements by three axis neutron diffractometer, Proc. 58th Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis EAN 2020, Sobotín, Czech Republic, 19-21 October 2020, M. Fusek, J. Cienciala, M. Kořínek, V. Machalla, J. Šmach, Eds., VŠB –Technical University of Ostrava, ISBN 978-80-248-4451-0, pp. 321-324.

280 A. Zavdoveev, T. Baudin, E. Pashinska, H.S. Kim, F. Brisset, M. Heaton, V. Poznyakov, M. Rogante, V. Tkachenko, I. Klochkov, M. Skoryk, Continuous severe plastic deformation of low-carbon steel: physical-mechanical properties and multi-scale structure analysis, Steel Research international, Vol. 92, Issue 3 (2020), 2000645.

279 M. Rogante, J. Jerz, Coperture innovative a base di schiuma d’alluminio, Imprese Edili, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, (2020), p. 6. In Italian.

278 M. Rogante, T. Filetin, Materiali avanzati: sviluppi e applicazioni, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 10 (2020), pp. 349-357. In Italian.

277 A.V. Zavdoveev, V.D. Poznyakov, S.L. Zhdanov, M. Rogante, A.O. Maksymenko, O.G. Sineok, A.M. Gerasimenko, Impact of thermal cycles of welding on formation of the structure and properties of corrosion-resistant steel 06G2BDP - Вплив термічних циклів зварювання на формування структури та властивостей корозійностійкої сталі 06Г2БДП, Automatic Welding - Автоматическая сварка, №9 (2020), pp. 22-27; The Paton Welding Journal, Vol. 9 (2020), pp. 14-18.

276 V.D. Poznyakov, M. Rogante, A. Zavdoveev, Ciclo termico di saldatura, struttura e proprietŕ meccaniche dell'acciaio ASTM A620M, Trattamenti e Finiture, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 5 (2020), pp. 42-47. In Italian.

275 L. Giuliani, P.M. Putti, M. Rogante, R. Saggini, Oncogenesi e oncoterapia da campi elettromagnetici, e-Health, Vol. 78 (2020), pp. 8-26. In Italian.

274 A.V. Zavdoveev, V.D. Pozdnyakov, M. Rogante, S.L. Zhdanov, V.A. Kostin, T.G. Solomiychuk, Features of structure formation and properties of joints of S460M steel, made by pulsed-arc welding - Особливості формування структури і властивості з’єднань сталі S460M, виконаних імпульсно-дуговим зварюванням, Automatic Welding - Автоматическая сварка, Vol. 6 (2020), pp. 11-16; The Paton Welding Journal, Vol. 6 (2020), pp. 9-13.

273 M. Rogante, Leghe a memoria di forma, Tecnolamiera, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 2 (2020), pp. 50-55. In Italian. Web page.

272 G. Albertini, M. Rogante, Beyond hydrogen loading, Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, ISSN 2227-3123, Vol. 30 (2020), pp. 36-43.

271 A. Zavdoveev, M. Rogante, V. Poznyakov, M. Heaton, P. Acquier, H.S. Kim, T. Baudin, V. Kostin, Development of the PC-GMAW welding technology for TMCP steel in accordance with welding thermal cycle, welding technique, structure, and properties of welded joints, Reports in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020), pp. 26-33, DOI: 10.31181/rme200101026z.

270 M. Rogante, A. Zavdoveev, Caratterizzazione avanzata di fili d'acciaio mediante tecniche neutroniche, Tecnologie del Filo, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 1 (2020), pp. 74-78. In Italian.

269 M. Rogante, B. Zavan, Cellule staminali e ricerca, il Progetto BIONECA, e-Health, Vol. 74 (2020), pp. 47-51. In Italian.

268 M. Rogante, Tungsteno: moderni impieghi, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 1 (2020), pp. 135-138. In Italian.

267 M. Rogante, J. Buhagiar, G. Cassar, M. Debono, V. Lebedev, P. Mikula, V. Ryukhtin, Neutron investigation of Nitinol stents and massive samples before and after PIRAC coating, Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol. 23 (2019), pp. 95-100.

266 U. Minopoli, M. Rogante, Gestione dei rifiuti nucleari: legislazione e metodologie, Ambiente & Sicurezza, New Business Media, Ed., Milano, Vol. 10 (2019), pp. 51-56. In Italian.

265 M. Rogante, A. Horváth, L. Rosta, The twenty-year collaboration between the Rogante Engineering Office and the Budapest Neutron Centre, Neutron News, Volume 30, Issue 2-3 (2019), pp. 15-18.

264 L. Giuliani, M. Soffritti, R. Saggini, M. Rogante, Electromagnetic fields: oncogenesis and oncotherapy, Proc. 9th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2019, Split, Croatia, 26-27/09/2019, S. Jozić, B. Lela, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2019), ISSN 1847-7917, early information, p. 3.

263 A. Zavdoveev, V. Pozniakov, M. Rogante, M. Skoryk, I. Alekseenko, Study of the welding thermal cycle for HSLA steel grade alform plate 620M: structure and mechanical properties, Proc. 9th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2019, Split, Croatia, 26-27/09/2019, S. Jozić, B. Lela, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2019), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 145-149.

262 M. Rogante, V.T. Lebedev, Advanced characterization of Polymer Cement Concretes by Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Proc. 9th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2019, Split, Croatia, 26-27/09/2019, S. Jozić, B. Lela, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2019), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 139-144.

261 A. Gatto, M. Rogante, E. Santecchia, P. Mengucci, Nanoscale characterization of metal alloys produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) technology, Proc. 9th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2019, Split, Croatia, 26-27/09/2019, S. Jozić, B. Lela, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2019), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 41-47.

260 G. Albertini, M. Rogante, Beyond hydrogen loading, Book of Abstracts 22nd International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF22), Assisi, Italy, 8-13/09/2019 (2019), p. 85.

259 M. Rogante, I. Kovács, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, PIXE investigation of ancient linen fabrics dated from Old Kingdom to Ptolemaic ages (2200-300 B.C.), Advances in Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 11 Issue 2 (2019), pp. 53-59.

258 M. Rogante, J. Buhagiar, G. Cassar, M. Debono, V. Lebedev, P. Mikula, V. Ryukhtin, Neutron investigation of Nitinol stents and massive samples before and after PIRAC coating, Abstract Booklet of the 9th Int. Conf. on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture MSMF9, Brno, 26-28/06/2019, P. Šandera (Ed.), VUTIUM, Brno (2019), ISBN 978-80-214-5760-7, p. 176.

257 M. Rogante, Caratterizzazione avanzata mediante tecniche neutroniche nel settore dei Beni Culturali, Archeomatica, Vol. 1 (2019), pp. 14-20. In Italian.

256 M. Rogante, Materiali innovativi: guardando il futuro, Tecnolamiera, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 4 (2019), pp. 92-97. In Italian.

255 P. Mikula, V. Ryukhtin, M. Rogante, On a possible use of neutron three axix diffractometer for studies of elastic and plastic deformation of polycrystalline materials, Proc. 57th Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis EAN 2019, Luhačovice, Czech Republic, 3-6 June 2019, J. Petruška, T. Návrat, L. Houfek, F. Šebek, Eds., Czech Society for Mechanics, pp. 286-290. Book of Extended Abstracts, ISBN 978-80-214-5753-9, pp. 101-102.

254 P. Mikula, J. Stammers, M. Rogante, A. Michalcová, On the one of the practical scientific utilisations of low power research reactor LVR-15 in Řež, Proc. Int. Conf. RRFM/IGORR 2019, 24-28 March 2019, Jordan, ISBN 978-92-95064-31-7,Part 1, A0015, p. 6.

253 M. Rogante, E. Kam, Pomice in edilizia: leggerezza e isolamento, Imprese Edili, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, (2019), p. 7. In Italian.

252 M. Rogante, Caratterizzazione avanzata di materiali metallici per l’edilizia, Imprese Edili, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, (2019), p. 4. In Italian.

251 G. Bellin, C. Gardin, L. Ferroni, J.C. Chachques, M. Rogante, D. Mitrečić, R. Ferrari, B. Zavan, Exosome in cardiovascular diseases: a complex world full of hope, Cells, 8 (2019), 166.

250 M. Rogante, Saldatura degli acciai per stampi: tecnologia e applicazioni, Stampi, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 1 (2019), pp. 36-41. In Italian.

249 M. Rogante, P. Mikula, P. Strunz, Rogante Engineering Office and Neutron Physics Laboratory of CANAM - 20 years of cooperation, Neutron News, Volume 29, Issue 3-4 (2018), pp. 16-17.

248 M. Rogante, Rogante Engineering Office and the Budapest Neutron Centre - 20 years of cooperation, Wigner RCP 2017 Annual Report, T.S. Biró, V. Kozma-Blázsik, B. Selmeci, (Eds.), Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, ISSN: 2064-7336 (2018), pp. 19-20.

247 G. Albertini, M. Rogante, Beyond the hydrogen loading, Book of Abstracts 13th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals, Greccio (RI), Italy, 5-9 October 2018 (2018), p. 5.

246 M. Rogante, V.T. Lebedev, A. Radulescu, SANS characterization of mono-ethylene-glycol based industrial polyurethanes samples, Proc. 8th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2018, Split, Croatia, 27-28/09/2018, S. Jozić, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2018), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 159-166.

245 L. Giuliani, M. Rogante, P. Wadhams, B. Zavan, Research on electromagnetic field (EMF) and related biological hazards: state-of-the-art, Proc. 8th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2018, Split, Croatia, 27-28/09/2018, S. Jozić, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2018), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 45-51.

244 A. Gatto, P. Mengucci, M. Rogante, F. Grilli, Study of quality and composition of zinc anodes for cathodic ship protection, Proc. 8th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials” MTSM 2018, Split, Croatia, 27-28/09/2018, S. Jozić, N. Gjeldum, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2018), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 23-32.

243 P. Mikula, M. Rogante, J. Šaroun, M. Vrána, High-Resolution Neutron Diffraction Setting for Studies of Macro- and Microstrains in Polycrystalline Materials, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 6 (2018), pp 63-68.

242 M. Rogante, V. Havránek, P. Mikula, V. Ryukhtin, Analiza polimernog cementnog betona uz pomoć tehnologija SANS i PIXE, Održavanje i Eksploatacija 2 (2018), pp. 15-17. In Croatian.

241 M. Rogante, Sicurezza sulle navi: il piano come faro, Ambiente & Sicurezza, New Business Media, Ed., Milano, Vol. 8 (2018), pp. 26-31. In Italian.

240 M. Rogante, Antincendio, piů sicurezza sulle navi passeggeri, Ambiente & Sicurezza, New Business Media, Ed., Milano, Vol. 6 (2018), pp. 24-29. In Italian.

239 M. Rogante, DPI e navi: il dispositivo giusto per ogni esigenza, Ambiente & Sicurezza, New Business Media, Ed., Milano, Vol. 6 (2018), pp. 120-125. In Italian.

238 M. Rogante, I vantaggi delle tecniche nucleari, Tecnolamiera, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 3 (2018), pp. 98-103. In Italian.

237 N. Čatipović, D. Živković, M. Rogante, Influenza della temperatura sulla microstruttura della ghisa duttile austemperata, Fonderia Pressofusione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 2 (2018), pp. 30-33. In Italian.

236 M. Rogante, J. Jerz, La strada della sostenibilitŕ, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 160-165. In Italian.

235 M. Rogante, Caratterizzazione di cuscinetti in acciaio mediante radiografia neutronica, Organi di Trasmissione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 70-75. In Italian.

234 F.G. Cesari, M. Rogante, Progetto d'impianto d'aerogenerazione a mare, Il Progettista Industriale, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2018), pp. 52-57. In Italian.

233 F. Fiori, M. Rogante, A. Giuliani, F. Rustichelli, D. Taras, Enhancement of the touristic attraction for Adriatic-Ionian Archaeological artefacts through advanced physical characterization techniques, Enhancing Sustainable Tourism in Adriatic-Ionian Region through co-creation, F. Adornato et al. (Eds.), EUM Edizioni Universitŕ di Macerata, 1st Ed. (2018), Isbn 978-88-6056-552-5, pp. 269-287.

232 M. Rogante, Gestione di componenti e sistemi automatizzati di linea, PCB, New Business Media, Ed., Milano, Vol. 1 (2018), pp. 64-67. In Italian.

231 M. Rogante, Sindone di Torino: la ricerca scientifica, Archeomatica, Vol. 4 (2017), pp. 6-11. In Italian.

230 M. Rogante, Processo di spruzzatura termica HVOF, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 12 (2017), pp. 153-157. In Italian.

229 M. Rogante, Acciai inossidabili per organi di trasmissione, Organi di Trasmissione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 11 (2017), pp. 32-35. In Italian.

228 M. Rogante, I vantaggi delle tecniche neutroniche: possibili applicazioni nel settore ferroviario, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 11 (2017), pp. 153-158. In Italian.

227 M. Rogante, I. Kovács, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, PIXE investigation of ancient linen fabrics dated from Old Kingdom to Ptolemaic ages (2200-300 B.C.), Book of Abstracts 2nd Conference on Neutron Imaging and Neutron Methods in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage "NINMACH 2017", Budapest, 11-13/10/2017 (2017), ISBN 978-963-12-9995-3, p. 65.

226 M. Rogante, A. Len, J. Milczarek, L. Rosta, Neutron characterization of ancient and modern textiles, Book of Abstracts 2nd Conference on Neutron Imaging and Neutron Methods in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage "NINMACH 2017", Budapest, 11-13/10/2017 (2017), ISBN 978-963-12-9995-3, p. 52.

225 M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Multi-technique archaeometallurgical investigations of metal objects from the Marche Region, Italy, Book of Abstracts 2nd Conference on Neutron Imaging and Neutron Methods in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage "NINMACH 2017", Budapest, 11-13/10/2017 (2017), ISBN 978-963-12-9995-3, p. 64.

224 M. Rogante, Metallurgia delle polveri per la produzione di componenti, Stampi, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 8 (2017), pp. 58-65. In Italian.

223 M. Rogante, Impiego di utensili CBN nel settore degli organi di trasmissione, Organi di Trasmissione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 9 (2017), pp. 100-106. In Italian.

222 M. Rogante, Caratterizzazione avanzata di materiali e componenti industriali mediante tecniche neutroniche, Contributo scelto da A&T 2017, Tuttomisure, A&T, Ed., Torino, Vol. 3 (2017), pp. 177-179. In Italian.

221 A. Zavdoveev, V. Pozniakov, M. Rogante, S. Jdanov, A. Maksimenko, Weldability of S460M high strength low-alloyed steel, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. "Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials" MTMS2017, Split, Croatia, 21-22/09/2017, S. Jozić, B. Lela, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2017), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 163-166.

220 L. Rosta, M. Rogante, Neutrons for Materials Research, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. "Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials" MTMS2017, Split, Croatia, 21-22/09/2017, S. Jozić, B. Lela, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2017), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 123-131.

219 M. Rogante, I. Kovács, E. Notti, A. Sala, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Feasibility study for PIXE and neutron beam techniques on fishing nets made of polymeric materials, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. "Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials" MTMS2017, Split, Croatia, 21-22/09/2017, S. Jozić, B. Lela, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2017), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 117-121.

218 M. Rogante, P. Mikula, P. Strunz, A. Zavdoveev, Residual stress determination by neutron diffraction in low-carbon steel wires with accumulated shear deformation, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. "Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials" MTMS2017, Split, Croatia, 21-22/09/2017, S. Jozić, B. Lela, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2017), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 111-115.

217 M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Gy. Káli, Zs. Kasztovszky, Z. Kis, I. Kovács, B. Maróti, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Neutron based archaeometallurgical investigation of Picenan and Roman age metal objects from the Academia Georgica Treiensis collection (Italy), STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research, Vol. 3, Issue 2 (2017), p. 1-14.

216 M. Rogante, J. Jerz, Schiume d'alluminio: caratteristiche e principali impieghi, Il Progettista Industriale, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 8 (2017), pp. 56-61. In Italian.

215 M. Rogante, Saldatura delle ghise: tecnologia e applicazioni, Fonderia Pressofusione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2017), pp. 54-58. In Italian.

214 E. Gerasimova, F. Kapustin, M. Rogante, D. Kochnev, Granite Dust is the Possible Component of the Dry Construction Mixtures, Proc. International Conference Technogen-2017, KnE Materials Science (2017), pp. 109-115.

213 M. Rogante, Controllo numerico: basi teoriche e linguaggi di programmazione, PCB, New Business Media, Ed., Milano, Vol. 6 (2017), pp. 32-36. In Italian.

212 M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Advanced Characterization of invasive medical devices using neutron techniques, Abstract Booklet of the MLZ Conference "Neutrons for Health", Bad Reichenhall, Germany, 27-30/06/2017, abstract 25.

211 M. Rogante, Caratterizzazione avanzata dei getti da fonderia mediante tecniche neutroniche, Fonderia Pressofusione,Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 2 (2017), pp. 16-21. In Italian.

210 M. Rogante, A.Z. Anguissola, Processi di trattamento criogenico ad azoto: caratteristiche e applicazioni industriali, Zerosottozero, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 5 (2017), pp. 52-62. In Italian.

209 M. Rogante, Tecniche neutroniche per la caratterizzazione di materiali e pcb, PCB, New Business Media, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2017), pp. 60-63. In Italian.

208 M. Rogante, Neutron techniques for the advanced characterization of household appliances - Tecniche neutroniche per la caratterizzazione avanzata degli elettrodomestici, HA household appliances parts & components, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 4 (2017), pp. 28-34.

207 M. Rogante, Pallinatura controllata, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 4 (2017), pp. 149-154. In Italian.

206 M. Rogante, Sviluppo dei materiali metallici per uso industriale, Fonderia Pressofusione,Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 1 (2017), pp. 26-33. In Italian.

205 M. Rogante, F.G. Cesari, Acciai inox martensitici ad alte prestazioni e loro caratterizzazione, Tecnologie del Filo, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 1 (2017), pp. 50-53. In Italian.

204 Z. Dadić, M. Rogante, Utensili da taglio: metodi e concetti tribologici per limitarne l'usura, Organi di Trasmissione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2017), pp. 86-92. In Italian.

203 M. Rogante, Analisi avanzata di vetri e materiali vetrosi, Rivista del Vetro, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 1 (2017), pp. 70-77. In Italian.

202 M. Rogante, Materiali: un mondo in evoluzione (superleghe a base di nichel), Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 1 (2017), pp. 150-155. In Italian.

201 M. Rogante, V. Havránek, P. Mikula, V. Ryukhtin, Nanostructural Investigation of Case Hardened Steels for Speed Gears Applications by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 258 (2017), pp 403-407.

200 M. Rogante, I.K. Domanskaya, E.S. Gerasimova, A. Len, L. Rosta, N.K. Székely, E. Vladimirova, Nanoscale investigation of Polymer Cement Concretes by Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Vol. 24, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 67-72.

199 M. Rogante, Tecniche neutroniche per la caratterizzazione avanzata di materiali cementizi, Il Nuovo Cantiere, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 4 (2016), pp. 56-59 - Imprese Edili, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, (2016), web link. In Italian.

198 M. Rogante, Caratterizzazione avanzata di fibre di lino e lana mediante tecniche neutroniche, Technofashion, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 5 (2016), pp. 26-27. In Italian.

197 M. Rogante, Le superleghe a base di nichel, The Next Factory, Allegato redazionale, Tecnologie Meccaniche, DBInformation Editore, Milano, Vol. 10 (2016), pp. 54-55. In Italian.

196 M. Rogante, S. Söllradl, Characterization of mono-ethylene-glycol based industrial polyurethanes samples by fast-neutron radiography and neutron tomography, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 746, No. 1 (2016), 012042.

195 M. Rogante, Caratteristiche strutturali di una piccola-media fonderia di ghise, Fonderia Pressofusione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2016), pp. 12-17. In Italian.

194 M. Rogante, V. Havránek, P. Mikula, V. Ryukhtin, SANS and PIXE characterization of Polymer Cement Concretes, Proc. 6th Int. Conf. "Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials" MTMS2016, Split, Croatia, 22-23/09/2016, S. Jozić, B. Lela, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2016), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 119-125.

193 M. Rogante, Fili per corde di strumenti musicali e loro caratterizzazione avanzata, Tecnologie del Filo, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2016), pp. 46-48. In Italian.

192 M. Rogante, K. Šimunović, Controllo avanzato dell'utensile nella tornitura CNC, Organi di Trasmissione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 8 (2016), pp. 94-102. In Italian.

191 M. Rogante, G. Capelli, M. Benedetti, Misure di vibrazioni su campioni di cemento tramite interferometria laser, Il Nuovo Cantiere, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2016), pp. 64-67. In Italian.

190 M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Studio di fattibilitŕ per l'investigazione della Sindone di Torino mediante tecniche neutroniche, Centro Internazionale di Sindonologia, Torino (2016), p. 13.

189 M. Rogante, V. Havránek, P. Mikula, V. Ryukhtin, Nanostructural investigation by Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) of case hardened steels for speed gears applications, Abstract Booklet of the 8th Int. Conf. on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture MSMF8, Brno, Czech Republic, 27-29/06/2016, P. Šandera (Ed.), VUTIUM, Brno (2016), ISBN 978-80-214-5357-9, p. 193.

188 M. Rogante, E. Morgano, Caratterizzazione di acciai per ingranaggi di cambi automobilistici, Organi di Trasmissione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 6 (2016), pp. 60-63. In Italian.

187 M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Gy. Káli, Zs. Kasztovszky, Z. Kis, I. Kovács, B. Maróti, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Neutron based archaeometallurgical investigation of Roman-Picenan metal objects from the Academia Georgica Treiensis collection (Italy), Book of Abstracts 41st International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA), Kalamata, Greece, 15-21/05/2016, ISBN 978-618-80277-2-5, Abstract P-164, p. 274.

186 M. Rogante, Carbocementazione, carbonitrurazione e loro impieghi, Trattamenti e Finiture, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 2 (2016), pp. 42-46. In Italian.

185 M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Feasibility Study for Neutron Beam Investigation of the Turin Shroud, International Journal of New Technology and Research, ISSN:2454-4116, Volume 2, Issue 3, (2016), pp. 86-95. DOI: 10.31871/IJNTR.2.3.23

184 G. Pigliapoco, M. Rogante, A sorting household appliance - Un elettrodomestico per differenziare, HA household appliances parts & components, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 4 (2016), pp. 24-27.

183 M. Rogante, I.K. Domanskaya, E.S. Gerasimova, Resistenza meccanica ed elasticitŕ dei calcestruzzi polimerici, Il Nuovo Cantiere, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 1 (2016), pp. 66-68. Web version. In Italian.

182 M. Rogante, A. Zavdoveev, Filo d'acciaio a basso contenuto di carbonio: caratteristiche e dipendenza dalla deformazione per trafilatura, Tecnologie del Filo, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 1 (2016), pp. 30-34. In Italian.

181 M. Rogante, Rugositŕ e sua caratterizzazione sulle superfici da lavorazione meccanica, Organi di Trasmissione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2016), pp. 80-86. In Italian.

180 M. Rogante, Caratterizzazione avanzata di dispositivi medici invasivi mediante tecniche neutroniche, Tecnica Ospedaliera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2016), pp. 58-65. In Italian.

179 R.A. Winholtz, M. Rogante, Residual Stresses: Macro- and Microstresses, Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier, Oxford (2016), pp. 1-5.

178 M. Rogante, E. Horváth, G. Káli, Z. Kasztovszky, Z. Kis, I. Kovács, B. Maróti, L. Rosta, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Neutronenuntersuchungen an einer Zink-Lampe unbekannten Ursprungs von der Archäologischen Sammlung der Academia Georgica Treiensis (Italien), Restaurierung und Archäologie, Bd. 8 (2015), pp. 45-53.

177 M. Rogante, Nano- e micro-difetti in acciai e leghe adottati in campo industriale - caratterizzazione e trattamenti, Trattamenti e Finiture, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 6 (2015), pp. 49-57. In Italian.

176 M. Rogante, I. Kovács, L. Rosta, E. Stortoni, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, PIXE investigation of Roman metal archaeological objects from the Municipium Tifernum Mataurense area (S. Angelo in Vado, Italy), Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Vol. 363 (2015), pp. 156-160.

175 M. Rogante, E. Stortoni, Feasibility study for a neutron investigation in archaeological research on Tifernum Mataurense, Archeomatica International - Cultural Heritage Technologies, Vol. VI, Issue 3, Special Supplement (2015), pp. 20-25.

174 M. Rogante, Caratterizzazione avanzata di poliuretani per l'industria calzaturiera mediante tecniche neutroniche, Tecnica Calzaturiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 4 (2015), pp. 28-32. In Italian.

173 B. Lela, M. Rogante, D. Živković, I. Šapina, Ricottura: effetti sugli acciai a basso contenuto di carbonio e loro caratterizzazione, Trattamenti e Finiture, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 5 (2015), pp. 26-34. In Italian.

172 M. Rogante, V.T. Lebedev, Nano- and micro-defects in metals and alloys adopted in the energy industry, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. "Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials" MTMS2015, Split, Croatia, 24-25/09/2015, S. Jozić, B. Lela, Eds., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2015), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 137-144.

171 M. Rogante, F. Pisauri, S. Söllradl, Characterization of mono-ethylene-glycol based industrial polyurethanes samples by fast-neutron radiography and neutron tomography, Book of Abstracts ECNS 2015, Zaragoza, Spain, 30 August - 04 September 2015, Abstract PS-3-5, p. 550.

170 M.R. Mauntz, M. Rogante, Analisi e monitoraggio dei lubrificanti per evitare le avarie, Organi di Trasmissione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 6 (2015), pp. 22-27. In Italian.

169 M. Rogante, F. Pisauri, Tecniche neutroniche: cosě caratterizzano i polimeri, Plastix, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2015), ISSN 1824-8411, pp. 46-51. In Italian.

168 M. Rogante, I. Kovács, L. Rosta, E. Stortoni, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, External milli-beam PIXE investigation of Roman metal archaeological objects from the Municipium Tifernum Mataurense area (S. Angelo in Vado, Italy), Book of Abstract of the 14th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission PIXE 2015, Cape Town, South Africa, 25 February – 3 March 2015, C. Pineda-Vargas, W. Przybylowicz, N. Haasbroek (Eds.), Shumani Mills Communications (2015), Abstract O-19.

167 M. Rogante, E. Stortoni, Feasibility study for a neutron investigation in archaeological research on Tifernum Mataurense, Archeomatica, Media GEO (Ed.), Roma, Anno V, n. 4 (2014), ISSN 2037-2485, pp. 44-53.

166 M. Rogante, Tecniche nucleari per la caratterizzazione di componenti fucinati, Fonderia Pressofusione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2014), pp. 32-38. In Italian.

165 M. Rogante, F.G. Cesari, G. Migliore, NPP decommissioning: a methodology to evaluate the gaseous emissions produced by thermal cutting processes, International Nuclear Safety Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 4 (2014), pp. 43-61.

164 M. Rogante, K. Šimunović, Enhanced tool condition monitoring by statistical analysis in automatic machining of AISI 1045 steel using sintered carbide inserts, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. "Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials" MTMS2014, Split, Croatia, 25-26/09/2014, D. Živković, Ed., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2014), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 7-14.

163 M. Rogante, Materials and Components From NPP Decommissioning: Opportunities of Investigation by Neutron techniques, Energy-Environment-Economics, R. Benelmir, (Ed.), Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York (2014), ISBN: 978-1-62948-862-2, pp. 109-124.

162 M. Rogante, Applicazioni industriali e scientifiche della criogenia, Zerosottozero, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2014), pp. 34-43. In Italian.

161 M. Rogante, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Assessment of the unstressed lattice parameters for residual stresses determination by neutron diffraction in engineering materials, Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 592-593 (2014), pp 465-468.

160 M. Rogante, G. Capelli, I.K. Domanskaya, Laser interferometry investigation of polymer cement concrete samples for vibration measurements, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. "Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials" MTMS2013, Split, Croatia, 26-27/09/2013, D. Živković, Ed., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2013), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 69-77.

159 M. Rogante, E. Horváth, Gy. Káli, Zs. Kasztovszky, Z. Kis, I. Kovács, B. Maróti, L. Rosta, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Neutron investigation of an exceptional zinc lamp from the Academia Georgica Treiensis archaeological collection (Italy), Abstract Booklet of Int. Conf. NINMACH 2013, 09-12/09/2013, Garching, Germany, B. Schillinger (Ed.), Technische Universität München (2013), pp. 33-34.

158 M. Rogante, G. Martinat, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Residual stresses determination by neutron diffraction in a 100Cr6 chromium steel bearing ring, Kovové Materiály - Metallic Materials, Volume 51 Issue 5 (2013), pp. 275-281.

157 M. Rogante, I.K. Domanskaya, E.S. Gerasimova, E. Vladimirova, Feasibility Study for a Neutron-Based Investigation of Polymer Cement Concretes, Universal Journal of Applied Science, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (2013), pp. 11-17, DOI: 10.13189/ujas.2013.010103.

156 M. Rogante, L. Rosta, M.E. Heaton, Neutron beam measurement of industrial polymer materials for composition and bulk integrity, Measurement Science and Technology, 24 (2013) 105601 (8pp).

155 M. Rogante, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Assessment of the unstressed lattice parameters for residual stresses determination by neutron diffraction in engineering materials, Abstract Booklet of the 7th Int. Conf. on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture MSMF7, Brno, Czech Republic, 01-03/07/2013, P. Šandera (Ed.), VUTIUM, Brno (2013), p. 210.

154 M. Rogante, M. Mazzanti, Tensioni residue in alberi per trasmissioni automobilistiche, Organi di Trasmissione, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 5 (2013), pp. 38-48. In Italian.

153 M. Rogante, M. Mazzanti, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Residual stress determination by neutron diffraction in a car gear-shaft made of 20NiCrMo2 alloyed case hardening steel, Kovové Materiály - Metallic Materials, Volume 50 Issue 4 (2012), pp. 213-220.

152 M. Rogante, V. Lebedev, Small angle neutron scattering comparative investigation of Udimet 520 and Udimet 720 samples submitted to different ageing treatments, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 513 (2012), pp. 510-517.

151 M. Rogante, Materials and Components From NPP Decommissioning: Opportunities of Investigation by Neutron techniques, International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, R. Benelmir, Ed., ISSN 1054-853X, Volume 20 Issue 2 (2012), pp. 107-122.

150 M. Rogante, Considerations on the investigation of materials and components obtained from NPP Decommissioning. Chapter 5 of: Nuclear Power Plants, G. Petridis, D. Nicolau (Eds.), Series Nuclear Materials and Disaster Research, Physics Research and Technology, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY (2011), pp. 119-138. ISBN 978-1-61470-285-6 (eBook).

149 M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Forged components and possibilities of their investigation by neutron techniques, Strojarstvo: Journal for Theory and Application in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 53 Issue 4 (2011), pp. 277-285.

148 M. Rogante, U. Pasquini, M.G. Bonetti, Applying Neutron Techniques to the Analysis of Nitinol Stents, European Medical Device Technology, Volume 2 Number 9 (2011), pp. 34-41.

147 M. Rogante, A. Selezneva, Cements for nuclear industry: a feasibility study of neutron-based investigations, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. "Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials" MTMS 2011, Split, Croatia, 29-30/09/2011, D. Živković, Ed., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2011), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 39-45.

146 G. Pigliapoco, M. Rogante, Feasibility study of a novel device for separate collection and treatment of solid urban waste, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. "Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials" MTMS 2011, Split, Croatia, 29-30/09/2011, D. Živković, Ed., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2011), ISSN 1847-7917, pp. 33-37.

145 M. Rogante, Neutron techniques for developing engineering welding methods, Welding International, Volume 25, Issue 10 (2011), pp. 754-761.

144 M. Rogante, Cryogenic plants serving Research, BTF, Europe, Italiana News, Vol. 1 (2011), p. 11.

143 M. Rogante, Italian Industry and the ESS Project, Book of Abstract XX AIV Congress Energy and Materials: technologies and perspectives Centro Culturale Altinate/S.Gaetano, Padova, Italy, 17-19/05/2011, AIV - Associazione Italiana di Scienza e Tecnologia, Milano (2011).

142 M. Rogante, U. Pasquini, L. Rosta, V. Lebedev, Feasibility study for the investigation of Nitinol self-expanding stents by neutron techniques, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 406 (2011), pp. 527-532.

141 M. Rogante, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Residual stresses assessment in coated materials: complementarity between Neutron and X-ray techniques, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 465 (2011), pp. 259-262.

140 M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Forged components and possibilities of their investigation by neutron techniques, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials MTMS 2010, Split, Croatia, 21-22/10/2010, D. Živković, Ed., Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies, Split, Croatia (2010), pp. 69-81.

139 M. Rogante, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Residual stresses assessment in coated materials: complementarity between Neutron and X-ray techniques, Abstract Booklet of the 6th Int. Conf. on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture MSMF6, Brno, Czech Republic, 28-30/06/2010, P. Šandera (Ed.), VUTIUM, Brno (2010), p. 158.

138 M.E. Heaton, M. Rogante, A. Len, D. Denieffe, Investigation of the processing effects of UV, heat and laser ablation on SU-8 microturbines, Multidiscipline Modelling in Materials and Structures, 6/3 (2010), pp. 364-372.

137 M. Rogante, L. Pallottini, E. Petricci, X-ray detection by Si(Li) semiconductor counter for materials investigation, Advances and Applications in Mechanical Engineering and Technology, ISSN 0976-142X, 1/2 (2010), pp. 167-181.

136 P. Genta, M. Rogante, Tecniche neutroniche per i modelli predittivi di danneggiamenti di pipeline, ICP - Rivista dell'Industria Chimica, Milano, Vol. 1 (2010), ISSN 0390-2358, pp. 66-70.

135 M. Rogante, Zs. Kasztovszky, A. Manni, Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis of bronze fragments from archaeological artefacts, Matelica Picenum necropolis, Italy, Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone 15/1 (2010), pp. 12-23.

134 M. Rogante, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Through-the-thickness residual stress analysis by neutron diffraction in inoxidizable martensitic steel samples with and without tungsten carbide coating, Surface and Coatings Technology, 204 (2009), pp. 650–656.

133 M. Rogante, Neutron Techniques for scientific research in the polar areas, Il Polo, Volume 64, Issue 2 (2009), pp. 67-82.

132 F.G. Cesari, M. Rogante, A. Giostri, Assessment of gaseous pollution from hot cutting processes in NPP disassembling, Book of abstract 20th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology SMiRT 20, Espoo, Finland, S. Vuori and R. Rintamaa, Ed., Vol. 2 (2009), p.389.

131 M. Rogante, F. G. Cesari, G. Ferrari, Analytical method for residual stresses determination in thin welded joints, Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, Volume 5, Number 3 (2009), pp. 269-276(8).

130 M. Rogante, Wear characterisation and tool performance of sintered carbide inserts during automatic machining of AISI 1045 steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 209, Issue 10 (2009), pp. 4776-4783.

129 P. Genta, M. Rogante, Failure predictive models for pipelines through Neutron Diffraction-based stress assessment tools, The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, Volume 2 (2009), pp. 12-16.

128 M. Rogante, Applicazioni Industriali delle Tecniche Neutroniche nel settore della Metalmeccanica, Trattamenti e Finiture, Tecniche Nuove Ed., Milano, Vol. 2 (2009), pp. 48-54. In Italian.

127 M.E. Heaton, M. Rogante, Zs. Kasztovszky, D. Denieffe, Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis of impurity and elemental stability for two SU-8 organic polymer samples having different solidification pre-treatment, The Open Inorganic Chemistry Journal, Volume 3 (2009), pp.33-38.

126 M. Rogante, Tecniche Neutroniche per lo sviluppo dei metodi progettuali di saldatura, Rivista Italiana della Saldatura, Istituto Italiano della Saldatura, Ed., Genova, Vol. 1 (2009), pp. 39-47. In Italian.

125 G.M. La Vecchia, M. Gelfi, G. P. Marconi, M. Rogante, Importanza della misura dello stato tensionale residuo di rivestimenti ottenuti per spruzzatura termica, Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale AIM, Ferrara, 24-26 Sett. 2008, Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia, Milano (2008), ISBN 88-85298-67-2.

124 M. Rogante, Applicazioni Industriali delle Tecniche Neutroniche, Proc. 1st Italian Workshop for Industry "Industrial Applications of Neutron Techniques", Civitanova Marche, Italy, 12-14/06/2008, Rogante Engineering, Ed. (2008), pp. 40-120. In Italian.

123 F. Cesari, M. Rogante, A. Giostri, Results of the experimental campaign on contaminated metal components parameters and suggestions for safely NPP component dismantling, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 238, Issue 10, (2008), pp. 2801-2810.

122 A. J. Farrell, M. Rogante, A feasibility study for a SANS investigation of Phase Change Material for energy storage applications, Proc. Int. Conf. “MATRIB 2008”, Vela Luka, Croatia, 26-28/06/2008, K. Grilec, G. Marić, S. Jakovljević, Eds., Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology, Zagreb, Croatia (2008), pp. 481-486.

121 M. Rogante, G. P. Marconi, Residual Stress determination by Neutron Diffraction in Tungsten carbide coated and shot peened steel samples, Proc. Int. Conf. “MATRIB 2008”, Vela Luka, Croatia, 26-28/06/2008, K. Grilec, G. Marić, S. Jakovljević, Eds., Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology, Zagreb, Croatia (2008), pp. 295-300.

120 M. E. Heaton, M. Rogante, A. Len, A feasibility study for a SANS investigation of a heat cured and laser machined organic resin microturbine as used for airflow sensing, Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, Volume 4, Number 2 (2008), pp. 155-162.

119 M. Rogante, P. Genta, Neutron diffraction-based tools aid failure forecasting models, Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 17, 2008, pp. 56-61.

118 M. Rogante, V.T. Lebedev, Small angle neutron scattering comparative investigation of Inconel 738 samples submitted to different ageing treatments, Materials & Design, Vol. 29, Issue 5 (2008), pp. 1060-1065.

117 M. Rogante, Neutroni per l’investigazione di componenti e materiali industriali, ICP n°2 - Feb. 2008, Reedbusiness, Milano (2008), pp. 72-75. In Italian.

116 M. Rogante, P. Genta, Forecasting failure models for pipelines through neutron diffraction-based stress assessment tools, Proc. PRM ‘07 International Conference, Exhibition & Workshops on Pipeline Rehabilitation & Maintenance, Manama, Bahrain, 10-13 Dec. 2007. CD volume.

115 F.G. Cesari, M. Rogante, A. Giostri, Precautions arising from the experimental campaign on contaminated metal components parameters for safely nuclear power plant components dismantling, Transactions, 19th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology SMiRT 19, Toronto, 12-17/08/2007, paper # W01/4.

114 M. Rogante, J. Lustoň, L. Rosta, Nanoscale investigation by SANS of 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-oxazoline compound monocrystals, Book of abstracts 4th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, 25-29/06/2007, Lund, Sweden (2007), p. 411.

113 M. Rogante, V. T. Lebedev, Microstructural characterization of polymeric materials by small angle neutron scattering, Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 47, Issue 8 (2007), pp.1213-1219.

112 M. Rogante, G. De Marinis, Zs. Kasztovszky, F. Milazzo, Comparative analysis of Iron Age bronze archaeological objects from a Picenum necropolis of Centre Italy with Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis, Nuovo Cimento C, 30/1 (2007), pp. 113-122. – DOI: 10.1393/ncc/i2006-10037-7.

111 M. Rogante, F. G. Cesari, V. T. Lebedev, Defectoscopy and perspectives related to metallic materials adoptable in hydrogen storage pressure tanks production, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials (ICHMS'2005), Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine, 05-11/09/2005, T.N. Veziroglu, S.Y. Zaginaichenko, D.V. Schur, B. Baranowski, A.P. Shpak, V.V. Skorokhod and A. Kale, Eds., NATO Security through Science Series, Vol. XLI (2007), pp. 135-144.

110 M. Rogante, V. T. Lebedev, Nanostructure characterisation by SANS for investigation on ageing, Proc. 31st ESReDA (European Safety, Reliability & Data Association) Seminar Hosted by Vuje VTS, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, 07-08/11/2006, L. Petterson, G.M. Cojazzi, Eds., JRC European Commission, Vuje (2007), EUR 22887 EN, pp. 67-78.

109 M. Rogante, F. G. Cesari, G. Ferrari, P. Battistella, A simplified solution for the evaluation of residual weld stress, Welding International, Vol. 20, Issue 9, (2006), pp. 713-716.

108 M. Rogante, V. T. Lebedev, S. Kralj, L. Rosta, Gy. Tőrők, Neutron techniques for welding project methods development in nuclear/traditional industrial application, Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, Vol. 2, Number 4, (2006), pp. 419-433.

107 F. G. Cesari, M. Rogante, A. Giostri, G. Conforti, Contaminated metal components in dismantling by hot cutting processes, Proc. ICONE14 Int. Conf. on Nuclear Engineering, July 2006, Miami, Florida, USA, ASME ICONE14-89451 (2006), ISBN 0791837831.

106 M. Rogante, Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) per l’investigazione di reperti archeologici, Archeopiceno, n° 43/44, anno XIV (2006), pp. 27-31. In Italian.

105 M. Rogante, V.T. Lebedev, Microstructural characterization of polymeric materials by Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Book of abstracts 20th Bratislava International Conference on Macromolecules, Advanced Polymeric Materials APM-2006, Bratislava, Slovakia, 11-15/06/2006, Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Science (2006), ISBN/ISSN 80-968433-3-8, p. 172.

104 M. Rogante, P. Battistella, F. Cesari, Hydrogen interaction and stress-corrosion in hydrocarbon storage vessels and pipelines weldings, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31/5 (2006), pp. 597-601.

103 M. Rogante, F. Cesari, V.T. Lebedev, SANS comparative investigation of Inconel 738 samples submitted to different ageing treatments, Proc. Int. Conf. "MED06 Materials, Energy, Design", DIT, Dublin, 14-17/03/2006, D.M. Kennedy, Ed., Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton St., Dublin, Ireland (2006), pp. 202-213.

102 M. Rogante, V. T. Lebedev, SANS comparative investigation of Inconel 738 samples submitted to different ageing treatments, Book of Abstract Int. Conf. "MED06 Materials, Energy, Design", DIT, Dublin, 14-17/03/2006, D.M. Kennedy, Ed., Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton St., Dublin, Ireland (2006), p. 23.

101 M. E. Heaton, M. Rogante, A. Len, A feasibility study for a SANS investigation of a heat cured and laser machined organic resin microturbine as used for airflow sensing, Proc. Int. Conf. "MED06 Materials, Energy, Design", DIT, Dublin, 14-17/03/2006, D.M. Kennedy, Ed., Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton St., Dublin, Ireland (2006), pp. 105-111.

100 M. E. Heaton, M. Rogante, A. Len, A feasibility study for a SANS investigation of a heat cured and laser machined organic resin microturbine as used for airflow sensing, Book of Abstract Int. Conf. "MED06 Materials, Energy, Design", DIT, Dublin, 14-17/03/2006, D.M. Kennedy, Ed., Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton St., Dublin, Ireland (2006), p. 53.

99 M. Rogante, The application of neutron examination to the pipeline industry, The Journal of Pipeline Integrity, Vol. 4 number 4, (2005), pp. 211-218; Petroleum Abstracts, Vol. 46, Number 35, September 2006, Abstract No. 903835, p. 81.

98 M. Rogante, The application of neutron examination to the pipeline industry, Global Pipeline Monthly (Pipeline World), Vol. 2, issue #01 (2006), ISSN 1471-3101, pp. 1-7.

97 M. Rogante, F. Milazzo, Zs. Kasztovszky, Comparative analysis of Iron Age bronze, iron and pottery archaeological objects from a Picenum necropolis of Centre Italy with Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis, Book of Abstract of the Workshop and Foresight Study RICH - Research Infrastructure for Cultural Heritage, Trieste, Italy, 12-13/12/2005, p. O-12.

96 M. Rogante, F. G. Cesari, G. Ferrari, P. Battistella, Una soluzione semplificata per la valutazione dello stato tensionale residuo di saldatura, Rivista Italiana della Saldatura, Istituto Italiano della Saldatura, Ed., Genova, Vol. 5 (2005), pp. 701-705. In Italian.

95 M. Rogante, Neutron examination techniques applied to pipelines, Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 26, 2005, pp. 59-64.

94 M. Rogante, J. Šaroun, P. Strunz, G. F. Ceschini, V. Ryukhtin, P. Lukáš, V. Marinčák, Nanoscale investigation by SANS of Inconel 738 turbine blades after high-temperature operation, Kovové Materiály - Metallic Materials, Volume 43 Issue 5 (2005), pp. 371-381.

93 F. Cesari, A. Giostri, M. Rogante, E. Sirito, M. Sirito, Hot cutting processes and emissions characterization in metal components dismantling, Proc. of 11th Int. Scientific Conf. on the Contemporary Achievements in Mechanics, Manufacturing and Materials Science CAM3S`2005, Gliwice-Zakopane, Poland, 06-09/12/2005, L.A. Dobrzański, Ed., International Organising Committee of the Scientific Conferences AMME World Press, Gliwice, Poland (2005), ISBN/ISSN 83-89728-19-2, pp. 1111-1116.

92 F. G. Cesari, I. Pelonzi, M. Rogante, Defectoscopy and solutions perspectives related to metallic materials adoptable in Hydrogen storage tanks production, Book of extended abstracts IX Int. Conf. Hydrogen Materials Science & Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials ICHMS’2005, 05-12/09/2005, Sevastopol, Ucraine, D.V. Schur, S.Yu. Zaginaichenko and T.N. Veziroglu, Eds., Association for Hydrogen Energy in Ukraine, Kiev (2005), pp. 150-151.

91 V. T. Lebedev, M. Rogante, Sans study of the precipitates phases microstructural evolution in Inconel 738 samples submitted to different ageing treatments, Proc. Int. Conf. “MATRIB ‘05”, Vela Luka, Croatia, 23-25/06/2005, K. Grilec, Ed., Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology, Zagreb, Croatia (2005), ISBN/ISSN 953-7040-09-7, pp. 133-138. Abstract Book (2005), ISBN 953-7040-08-9, p. 24.

90 M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Nanoscale characterisation by SANS and residual stresses determination by neutron diffraction related to materials and components of technological interest, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5824, Opto-Ireland 2005: Nanotechnology and Nanophotonics, W. J. Blau, D. Kennedy and J. Colreavy, Eds., SPIE, Bellingham, WA, (2005), pp. 294-305.

89 I. Pelonzi, M. Rogante, Hydrogen induced cracking and stress corrosion in vessels and pipeline weldings, Proc. Int. Conf. “Mechanisation, Automation and Robotization in weldings and allied processes”, Zadar, Croatia, 01-04/06/2005, Z. Kožuh, Ed., Croatian Welding Society, Zagreb, Croatia (2005), ISBN/ISSN 953-96454-7-6, pp. 189-196.

88 M. Rogante, Industrial applications of neutron techniques: a recent overview related to materials and components of technological interest, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 04880, (2005) SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-04880, ISSN: 1029-7006 © European Geosciences Union, 2005.

87 M. Rogante, G. F. Ceschini, L. Tognarelli, E. Rétfalvi, V. T. Lebedev, Sans-study of the nano-defects in a NiCrMoV wheel of the axial compressor of a heavy duty gas turbine, Materials & Design, 26/3 (2005), pp. 191-195.

86 M. Rogante, A.N. Lapin, V.T. Lebedev, V.A. Petrov, L. Rosta, G. Török, Microstructural characterization by neutron techniques: industrial applications related to the pipeline sector, Proc. Int. Conf., Exhibition & Workshops on Pipeline Rehabilitation & Maintenance PRM ’05, 29 Jan-2 Feb, 2005, Manama, Bahrain. PennWell, Ed., Tulsa, OK, USA, pp. 1-14, CD volume; Petroleum Abstracts, Vol. 46, Number 19, May 13, 2006, Abstract No. 894241, p. 130.

85 V. T. Lebedev, S. Kralj, M. Rogante, L. Rosta, G. Tőrők, Industrial applications of welding project methods: state of the art and development perspectives, Proc. Int. Conf. “Welding and Joining-2005: Frontiers of Materials Joining”, 25-28/01/2005, Tel-Aviv, Israel, A. Stern, Ed., Vol. ICRA-2005-ISR-23 (2005), pp. 163-177.

84 M. Rogante, V. T. Lebedev, F. Nicolaie, E. Rétfalvi, L. Rosta, SANS study of the precipitates microstructural evolution in Al 4032 car engine pistons, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 358/1-4 (2005), pp. 224-231. INIS-IAEA Repository.

83 M. Rogante, Residual Stresses by Neutron Diffraction and Microstructural Characterisation by SANS of Materials and Components of Technological Interest, Book of abstracts American Conference on Neutron Scattering ACNS 2004, College Park, Maryland, June 6–10, 2004, Neutron Scattering Society of America, (2004), WP54, p. 128.

82 A. Len, L. Rosta, E. Rétfalvi, P. Harmat, M. Rogante, Study of Materials Nanostructure by Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Studia Physica, XLIX, 2 (2004), ISSN 0258-8730, pp. 81-84.

81 M. Rogante, P. Battistella, F. Cesari, Hydrogen interaction and stress-corrosion in liquefied petroleum gas tanks, Book of abstracts Int. Symp. on Metal-Hydrogen Systems Fundamentals & Applications, Krakow, Poland, 05-10/09/2004, H. Figiel, P. Mietniowski, A. Paja and E. Kulka, Eds., Univ. of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland (2004), ISBN/ISSN 83-921064-0-7, p. 87.

80 M. Rogante, P. Battistella, F. Rustichelli, Residual stress measurement by neutron diffraction in AA 6082 extruded samples submitted to different quenching rates, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 378/1-2 (2004), pp. 335-338.

79 L. Pallottini, M. Rogante, X-ray detection by Si(Li) semiconductor counter for materials investigation, Proc. Int. Conf. “MATRIB ‘04”, Vela Luka, Croatia, 23-25/06/2004, K. Grilec, Ed., Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology, Zagreb, Croatia (2004), ISBN/ISSN 953-7040-02-X, pp. 215-222.

78 M. Rogante, G. Török, G. F. Ceschini, L. Tognarelli, I. Füzesy, L. Rosta, High resolution diffraction for residual stress determination in the NiCrMoV wheel of an axial compressor for a heavy-duty gas turbine, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 350/1-3S (2004) pp. E479-E481.

77 V. T. Lebedev, S. Kralj, M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Welded joints project methods for nuclear/traditional industrial applications: the international state-of-the-art, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. “Welding in Maritime Engineering”, Hvar, Croatia, 02-05/06/2004, Z. Kožuh, Ed., Croatian Welding Society, Zagreb, Croatia (2004), pp. 87-98.

76 M. Rogante, Gy. Török, G.F. Ceschini, L. Tognarelli, I. Füzesy, L. Rosta, High resolution diffraction for residual stress determination in the wheel of the axial compressor of a heavy-duty gas turbine, Abstract Book of the 3rd European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Montpellier, France, 03-06/09/2003 (2003), C14 p. 137.

75 M. Balasko, M. Rogante, La radiografia neutronica al servizio dell’industria, Progettare, VNU, Ed., Cinisello B., Milano, Vol. 273 (2003), pp. 35-39. In Italian.

74 M. Rogante, Industrial applications of neutron techniques: a recent overview related to materials and components of technological interest, Proc. Int. Conf. “MATRIB ‘03”, Vela Luka, Croatia, 26-28/06/2003, K. Grilec, Ed., Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology, Zagreb, Croatia (2003), ISBN/ISSN 953-96038-7-0, pp. 235-241.

73 V. Marinčák, P. Strunz, J. Šaroun, V. Ryukhtin, P. Lukáš, L. Cassě, G. F. Ceschini, M. Rogante, Non-destructive SANS investigation of 738 turbine blades after high-temperature operation, Book of abstracts Int. Conf. ICM9, 25-29/05/2003, Geneva, Switzerland (2003), p. 165.

72 M. Rogante, P. Battistella, F.G. Cesari, G.F. Ceschini, E. Rétfalvi, V. Lebedev, Sans-study of the nano-defects in a NiCrMoV component for nuclear/traditional energy applications, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Materials and Tribology MT2002, Dublin, Ireland, 12-13/09/2002, D.M. Kennedy, Ed., ISBN/ISSN 1-900-454-18-1, pp. 238-245.

71 M. Rogante, P. Battistella, F.G. Cesari, G.F. Ceschini, E. Rétfalvi, V. Lebedev, Sans-study of the nano-defects in a NiCrMoV component for nuclear/traditional energy applications, Book of Abstracts 1st Int. Conf. on Materials and Tribology "MT2002", Dublin, Ireland, 12-13/09/2002, D.M. Kennedy, Ed., ISBN/ISSN 1-900-454-18-1, p. 30.

70 G. F. Ceschini, M. Rogante, L. Rosta, Feasibility study for the characterisation, by neutron techniques, of an axial compressor wheel of a heavy-duty gas turbine, Proc. Int. Conf. “MATRIB ‘02”, Vela Luka, Croatia, 20-22/06/2002, L. Ćurcović and K. Grilec, Ed., Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology, Zagreb, Croatia (2002), pp. 25-30.

69 G. Cicognani, E. Escoffier, G.M. Guadalupi, L. Pallottini, M. Rogante, Investigation by g-ray diffraction of the crystalline quality of GaAs and InP single crystals, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, UK, 56/6 (2002), pp. 833-836.

68 S. Pajeda, L. Aidukaitė, R. Vaišnoras, P. Adomenas, M. Rogante, Thermoelectric phenomena in the PDLC films, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 4415, Optical Organic and Inorganic Materials, S. P. Asmontas and J. Gradauskas, Eds., SPIE, Bellingham, WA (2001), pp. 156-161.

67 M. Rogante, Misurazione delle tensioni residue mediante diffrazione neutronica, Rivista Italiana della Saldatura, Istituto Italiano della Saldatura, Ed., Genova, Vol. 4 (2001), pp. 461-465. In Italian.

66 M. Rogante, Tessitura e proprietŕ dei materiali, Progettare, VNU, Ed., Cinisello B., Milano, Vol. 247 (2001), pp. 72-76. In Italian.

65 M. Rogante, Structure of a small-medium size cast iron foundry in Italy, Proc. Int. Conf. “MATRIB ‘01”, Vela Luka, Croatia, 20-22/06/2001, K. Grilec, Ed., Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology, Zagreb, Croatia (2001), ISBN/ISSN 953-96038-7-0, pp. 303-310.

64 M. Rogante, Dalla serie all’applicazione particolare, Rivista di Meccanica Oggi, VNU, Ed., Cinisello B., Milano, vol. 43 (2001), ISSN 1127-6010, pp. 122-125. In Italian.

63 F. G. Cesari, G. Ferrari, V. Molinari, P. Battistella, M. Rogante, A simplified evaluation model of Residual Stresses distribution in weldings, Proc. 4th Eur. Conf. on welding, joining and cutting “EUROJOIN 4”, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 24-26/05/01, S. Kralj and Z. Kožuh, Eds., Zagreb, Croatia, ISBN/ISSN 953-96454-0-9 (2001), pp. 251-256.

62 M. Rogante, Residual stresses evaluation by neutron diffraction: some industrial applications and perspectives, Proc. Int. Workshop on New Opportunities in Single Crystal Spectroscopy with Neutrons, Balaton (Révfulop), Hungary, 19-22/04/2001, KFKI-2001-01/E Report, J. Füzi and L. Rosta, Eds., Budapest (2001), ISBN/ISSN 963-372-625-5, pp. 79-80.

61 M. Rogante, Misurazione delle tensioni residue mediante diffrazione neutronica, Impiantistica Italiana, Animp, Ed., Milano, Vol. 2 (2001), ISSN 0349-1582, pp. 43-46. In Italian.

60 F.G. Cesari, G. Ferrari, V. Molinari, P. Battistella, M. Rogante, Una soluzione semplificata per la valutazione dello stato tensionale residuo di saldatura, Atti del 1° Congresso "Giornate Nazionali di Saldatura" GNS1, Milano, 7-9/11/2001, Genova, Istituto Italiano della Saldatura, p. 8.

59 S. Pajeda, S. Pajedienė, R. Vaišnoras, P. Adomenas, M. Rogante, Polarization features of the deformed PDLC film, Molecular Crystal and Liquid Crystal, Vol. 351 (2000), pp. 43-49.

58 L. Aidukaitė, R. Glasinskas, S. Pajeda, O. Adomėnienė, M. Rogante, R. Vaišnoras, "Polarized FTIR and X-ray diffraction studies of the metalloorganic compounds containing Cu2+, Ni2+ and Mn2+ ions", Book of abstracts Int. Conf. Advanced OpticalMaterials and Devices ADOM-2, Vilnius, Lithuania, 16-19 Aug. 2000, Ed. PFI - Semiconductor Physics Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania (2000), p. 88.

57 M. Rogante (, Tecnica neutronica come soluzione, Rivista di Meccanica Oggi, VNU, Ed., Cinisello B., Milano, Vol. 37 (2000), pp. 18-19. In Italian.

56 M. Rogante, Residual stresses determination by neutron diffraction in Al alloy extruded samples submitted to quenching rate gradients, Proc. Int. Conf. “MATRIB 2000”, Vela Luka, Croatia, 21-24/06/2000, K. Grilec, Ed., Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology, Zagreb, Croatia (2000), pp. 301-309.

55 M. Rogante, Informazioni preziose dall'utensile, Rivista di Meccanica Oggi, VNU, Ed., Cinisello B., Milano, Vol. 27 (2000), pp. 74-80. In Italian.

54 M. Rogante, Scattering neutronico per la caratterizzazione dei materiali, ICP Rivista dell’industria chimica, ERIS C. T. SRL, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (2000), pp. 108-112. In Italian.

53 M. Rogante, The stress-free reference sample: the problem of the determination of the interplanar distance d0, Physica B: Condensed Matter 276-278 (2000) 202-203.

52 M. Rogante, The stress-free reference sample: the problem of the determination of the interplanar distance d0, Book of Conference Programme and Abstracts 2nd European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Budapest, Hungary, 1-4 September 1999, A89 (1999), p. 46.

51 M. Rogante, Inox al servizio della scienza, Inossidabile, Centro Inox, Ed., Milano, Vol. 138 (1999), pp. 3-4. In Italian.

50 M. Rogante, I grandi serbatoi per il progetto Borexino, Rivista Italiana della Saldatura, Istituto Italiano della Saldatura, Ed., Genova, Vol. 6 (1999), pp. 695-699. In Italian.

49 M. Rogante et al., Tecniche neutroniche al servizio dell’industria, Progettare, Jackson, Ed., Cinisello B. (MI), Vol. 228 (1999), pp. 35-39. In Italian.

48 O. Adomėnienė, L. Aidukaitė, R. Glasinskas, S. Pajeda, M. Rogante, R. Vaišnoras, Polarized FTIR spectroscopy and thermodynamic properties of the metallo-organic compounds containing Cu2+, Ni2+ and Mn2+ ions, Book of abstracts Eur. Conf. on Liquid Crystals “ECLC 99” April, 1999, Hersonissos/Crete, Greece, (1999), P3-031.

47 G. Albertini, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, V. Stanic, S. Bertini, A. Scrivani, Neutron techniques in the service of industry, Proc. Int. Conf. “Matest ’99 – Advanced NDT techniques”, Cavtat, Croatia, 23-24/09/1999, Croatian Society for Non-destructive Testing, Ed., Zagreb, Croatia (1999), pp. 233-240.

46 M. Ceretti, A. Lodini, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, Il diffrattometro del laboratorio “Léon Brillouin” di Saclay, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 8 (1999), pp. 142-145. In Italian.

45 M. Rogante, Serbatoi per la rilevazione di neutrini solari, Impiantistica Italiana, Animp Servizi SRL, Ed., Milano, Vol. 4 (1999), pp. 39-44. In Italian.

44 M. Rogante, La Walter Tosto SPA e l’esperimento Borexino, L’Industria Meccanica, A. S. A. SRL, Ed., Milano, Vol. 543 (1999), pp. 44-47. In Italian.

43 M. Rogante, Sorgenti di neutroni: i laboratori di Chalk River, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 6 (1999), pp. 120-126. In Italian.

42 M. Rogante, Energia e vibrazioni come indici d’usura d’inserti in carburi sinterizzati, Utensili e Attrezzature, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 5 (1999), pp. 40-44. In Italian.

41 M. Rogante, Serbatoi cilindrici e sferici per il progetto “Borexino”, ICP Rivista dell’industria chimica, ERIS C. T. SRL, Ed., Milano, Vol. 6 (1999), pp. 98-101. In Italian.

40 M. Rogante, Required energy-roughness: a necessary parameter of wear evaluation for inserted tools in lathes processes, Proc. Int. Conf. “MATRIB ‘99”, Trogir, Croatia, 27-28/05/1999, V. Ivušić, Ed., Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology, Zagreb, Croatia (1999), pp. 339-346.

39 G. Albertini, G. Bruno, M. Rogante, Determinazione delle tensioni residue in un tubo saldato di acciaio ferritico 2,25Cr 1Mo prima e dopo trattamento termico, Tecnologie del Filo, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 2 (1999), pp. 44-49. In Italian.

38 M. Rogante, “Pane, stampi e fantasia”, Stampi, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 4 (1999), pp. 100-102. In Italian.

37 M. Rogante, R. Tartaglia, Il progetto “Borexino” per la misurazione dei neutrini solari, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 4 (1999), pp. 118-128. In Italian.

36 M. Rogante, Questione di feeling, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (1999), pp. 144-150. In Italian.

35 M. Rogante, Sorgenti di neutroni: il “BNC” di Budapest, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 2 (1999), pp. 105-109. In Italian.

34 G. Albertini, G. Bruno, A. Carradň, F. Fiori, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, Determination of residual stresses in materials and industrial components by neutron diffraction, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 10, N. 3 (1999), R56-R73.

33 M. Rogante, Sorgenti di neutroni: il “CFANR” dell’Istituto di Fisica Nucleare di Řež (Praga), Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 1 (1999), pp. 106-112. In Italian.

32 M. Rogante, Dimmi con cosa fresi…, Stampi, Ed. Tecniche Nuove, Milano, Vol. 1, (1999), ISSN 1121-063X, pp. 136-138. In Italian.

31 M. Rogante, Dimmi con cosa fresi…, Utensili e Attrezzature, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 3 (1999), ISSN 1123-1092, pp. 56-58. In Italian.

30 M. Rogante: “Eccentriche” con stile, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 11 (1998), pp. 72-76. In Italian.

29 M. Rogante, Tanti, unici e irripetibili: i miracoli del Concept Design, Stampi, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 9 (1998), pp. 136-141. In Italian.

28 S. Mataloni, M. Rogante, E se domani il laser YAG, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 9 (1998), pp. 176-182. In Italian.

27 M. Rogante, Vibrations and required energy, as wear and tear indices of sintered carbide inserted tools, Proc. Int. Conf. “MATEST ‘98”, Brijuni, Croatia, 01-02/10/1998, Croatian Society for Non-destructive Testing, Ed., Zagreb, Croatia (1998), pp. 289-297.

26 M. Rogante, Sorgenti di neutroni: il “BENSC” dell’Hahn-Meitner-Institut (HMI), Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, 8 (1998), pp. 190-194. In Italian.

25 M. Rogante (pseudonym: Lorenzo Francesco), Il futuro č giŕ qui, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 7 (1998), pp. 104-108. In Italian.

24 M. Rogante, Sorgenti di neutroni: la “SINQ” del Paul Scherrer Institut, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 7 (1998), pp. 82-87. In Italian.

23 M. Rogante, Il salto evolutivo, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 5 (1998), pp. 316-324. In Italian.

22 A. Dicembre, M. Rogante, Il Laser tra presente e futuro, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 4 (1998), pp. 86-93. In Italian.

21 R. Vaišnoras, S. Pajedienė, S. Pajeda, D. Martunas, J. Ravinskas, J. Galyametdinov, F. Gasparrini, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, B. Yang, Spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties of Er3+, Nd3+ and Tb3+ containing LC, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 3319, Liquid Crystal: Chemistry and Structure, M. Tyarska, R. Dabrowski and J. Zielinski, Eds., SPIE, Bellingham, WA (1998), pp.174-176.

20 R. Vaišnoras, S. Pajedienė, S. Pajeda, D. Martunas, J. Ravinskas, O. Adomėnienė, F. Gasparrini, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, B. Yang, Spectral investigation of Cu(II) and Ni(II) metallo-organic complexes, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 3319, Liquid Crystal: Chemistry and Structure, M. Tyarska, R. Dabrowski and J. Zielinski, Eds., SPIE, Bellingham, WA (1998), pp. 170-173.

19 S. Pajeda, S. Pajedienė, R. Vaišnoras, O. Adomėnienė, F. Gasparrini, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, B. Yang, Electro-optical response in PDLC film, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3318, Liquid Crystal: Physics, Technology, and Applications, J. Rutkowska, S. J. Klosowicz, J. Zielinski and J. Zmija, Eds., SPIE, Bellingham, WA (1998), pp. 422-426.

18 S. Pajeda, S. Pajedienė, R. Vaišnoras, O. Adomėnienė, F. Gasparrini, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, B. Yang, Shear deformation and electro-optical on and off switch in PDLC film, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 3318, Liquid Crystal: Physics, Technology, and Applications, J. Rutkowska, S. J. Klosowicz, J. Zielinski and J. Zmija, Eds., SPIE, Bellingham, WA (1998), pp. 418-421.

17 L. Gobbi, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, L’inquinamento da amianto, Antinquinamento, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 1 (1998), pp. 74-78. In Italian.

16 M. Rogante, Sensibili alle vibrazioni, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 2 (1998), pp. 134-143. In Italian.

15 M. Rogante, La diffrazione dei neutroni al servizio dell’industria, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 2 (1998), pp. 114-120. In Italian.

14 M. Rogante, Vibrazioni delle M.U.: non andiamo “a orecchio”, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 1 (1998), pp. 130-137. In Italian.

13 G. Albertini, G. Bruno, P. Calbucci, F. Fiori, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, Non-destructive determination of residual stresses in welded components using neutron diffraction, Welding International, Volume 12, Issue 9 (1998), pp. 698-703.

12 G. Albertini, G. Bruno, P. Calbucci, F. Fiori, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, Sforzi residui in componenti saldati - determinazione non distruttiva mediante diffrazione neutronica, Lamiera, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, Vol. 10 (1997), pp. 152-161. In Italian.

11 G. Albertini, G. Bruno, P. Calbucci, F. Fiori, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, Determinazione non distruttiva mediante diffrazione neutronica degli sforzi residui in componenti saldati, Rivista Italiana della Saldatura, Istituto Italiano della Saldatura, Ed., Genova, Vol. 5 (1997), pp. 449-455. In Italian.

10 G. Albertini, M. Rogante, Inserti sinterizzati: usura nelle lavorazioni di semifinitura e sgrossatura, Utensili e Attrezzature, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, 5 (1997), pp. 88-91. In Italian.

9 G. Albertini, M. Rogante, Il problema delle vibrazioni delle macchine utensili, Atti Conf. Naz. sulle Prove non Distruttive Monitoraggio Diagnostica – 9° Congresso Nazionale dell’AIPnD, Padova, 25-27/09/1997, AIPnD, Ed., Padova (1997), pp. 833-843. In Italian.

8 G. Albertini, G. Marcellini, M. Rogante, Inserti sinterizzati: usura nelle lavorazioni al tornio, Utensili e Attrezzature, Tecniche Nuove, Ed., Milano, 3 (1997), pp. 64-71. In Italian.

7 G. Albertini, G. Bruno, F. Fiori, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, Studies of residual stresses, microstructural evolution and texture in steels and alloys by neutron techniques, Proc. ECSC Workshop “Modelling of steel microstructural evolution during thermomechanical treatment”, Brussels, Belgium, (1997) pp. 185-195; ISBN 92-827-9891-7; CG-NA-17585-EN-C.

6 G. Albertini, M. Rogante, Wear and tear of sintered carbide inserted tools during semi finishing and rough-shaping processes, Proc. 5th Eur. Conf. on Advanced Materials and Processes and Applications “EUROMAT ‘97”, Maastricht, Netherlands, 21-23/04/1997, L. A. J. L. Sarton and H. B. Zeedijk, eds., Netherlands Society for Materials Science, Aj Zwijndrecht, Netherlands (1997), Vol. 4° pp. 449-453.

5 G. Albertini, G. Marcellini, M. Rogante, Caratterizzazione dell’usura degli inserti in carburi sinterizzati impiegati nelle lavorazioni di semifinitura e sgrossatura al tornio, Atti 26° Conv. Naz. AIM, Milano, 6-8/11/1996, AIM-Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia, Ed., Milano (1996), Vol. 2, pp. 126-134. In Italian.

4 N. Antolotti, S. Bertini, F. Fiori, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, Caratterizzazione e controllo di qualitŕ di ricoprimenti ceramici, Atti IV° Conv. Naz. GIB, L’Aquila, 09-11/10/1996, GIB-Gruppo Interdivisionale Biomateriali, Ed., L’Aquila (1996), p. 59. In Italian.

3 G. Albertini, G. Bruno, F. Carsughi, F. Fiori, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, Neutron large and small angle diffraction techniques in industrial and automotive applications, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Control and Diagnostics in Automotive Applications, Genova, 03-04/10/1996, SGE-Servizi Grafici Editoriali, Ed., Padova (1996), ISBN 88-8281-16-1, pp. 155-166.

2 G. Albertini, G. Bruno, F. Fiori, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, Non-destructive determination of residual stresses in materials and weldings by neutron diffraction technique, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. “MATEH 1996 – Development, Testing and Application of Materials”, Opatija, Croatia, 02-05/10/1996, Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology, Ed., Zagreb, (1996), pp. 187-194.

1 G. Albertini, G. Bruno, P. Calbucci, F. Fiori, M. Rogante, F. Rustichelli, Determinazione non distruttiva mediante diffrazione neutronica degli sforzi residui in componenti saldati, Atti 1a Conf. Naz. sulla saldatura e le costruzioni saldate, Genova, 29/06/1996-03/07/1996, Istituto Italiano della Saldatura, Ed., Genova (1996), pp. 713-726. In Italian.